Hey everybody, or well...more like "hey me" since I'm the only person that visits this website, but anyway, I've decided to make the index page the news page, cause...it adds a little flavour to things...I've decided I now like this layout, so please, go on ahead and enjoy the pages I've contructed. You can find the links to them at the bottom of the page.
Another thing, I believe this page is best viewed at 1152x864.
Ways to make people look at your retainer: post it on your website!
By the way, that's a frog on my retainer, not a Christmas Tree, despite popular belief...ERIC! :P
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Happy New Year!
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to The Shit. The Shit are: Hilary and Evan.
"Summer's Night" was composed by Evan who plays lead guitar and has a rhythm guitar section in the breakdown. I'm mostly rhythm guitar, while I have a mini (needs to be worked on) solo in the breakdown, and sing background REALLY faintly in the background. Also featured on the track is guest bassist Joanna! Huzzah Joanna!
Written and recorded in a span of...oh...30 minutes or so, "The Spoon Song" is quintessentially a hidden track of The Shit's repertoire. This is the first take. Evan provides lyrics and lead vox, while I act as guitarist and 50's backup singer. :).
To download songs, right click the links and select "Save Target As..."
Paddling with my new DBR team, Summer Dragons, EH?, we went to Waterloo this past Saturday and finished in the top 15, not bad, not bad. I screamed a lot, and apparently when I scream it sounds like I'm dying. My voice felt pretty bad by the end of the day. I thought I was going to wake up the next morning with the voice of a 65 year-old chain smoker...fortunately I didn't...so enjoy some pictures!
Caught eating someone else's sandwich, damn...
Oh yes, also, I retract my comment on Matte Babel, the new Much Music VJ, I saw him again the other day and he's not as horrible I thought. Besides, it's too early to tell. But Devon, you're still amateur.
I recently got The Killers' Hot Fuss album. Damn, they're good! Currently my favourite song is Jenny Was a Friend of Mine, and three days ago it was On Top. I even went down to Much to check them out, unfortunately they only performed one song, Somebody Told Me and then Much security kicked us out. At least they opened up The Window...
Ooh, I feel a rant coming on...here it is...FYI Much Music, your new VJs are rather shitty. Matte talks like he belongs on MTV, and Devon has remained SO fucking amateur despite his aprapos "VJ hair" and having been there for almost a year. You would think this fool would have improved his delivery through the course of the year, but...he definitely has not. Bring back Aaron Strate, he has the same hair style and he was a GOOD VJ. Devon is waaay too fucking amateur. Sarah, I have no beef with, but I think it's because she's so damn attractive. It's the skin, she's got really nice skin.
I also got the Franz Ferdinand - s/t and Interpol's Turn on the Bright Lights in the past week. No official word yet on how much I like these albums, as I have only been listening to The Killers in depth.
Yes, I know it's been much too long since I've last updated this website. I could easily blame university for not allowing me enough time to update this regularly, but really, I'd be lying to you. Very repetitive things happen each day, so you know it's not that crazy exciting to warrant updates. Anyhoo, for the random people who will stumble upon this site I have some pieces of business I would like to post.
For one, I will be updating my teck deck archive again in the next month, or so...so look for that in May-ish. I got a shitload of new tech decks over Christmas, I just hadn't had time to find pics of them to post into the archive.
I recommend people visit this website, OurLCBO.com and sign to petition to keep the Ontario government from privatizing the LCBO. We've already given up the beer store, even if you don't drink, we must fight to keep the LCBO in the hands of Ontarions. The LCBO transferred more than $3 billion to the provincial government last year, the money generated by the LCBO is invested back into Ontario. The LCBO basically has a monopoly on the retail sales of alcoholic beverages (with the exception of beer) in all of Ontario. When the LCBO does well, so does the rest of Ontario. The money that reaches the LCBO reaches the citizens of Ontario and the interests of Ontarions. If we sell off the LCBO, the only interests that will be satisfied will be those of private big business, who, might I remind you, don't care about you, just your wallet.
I also recommend everybody to check out these alternative news sources: AlterNet.org, and TruthOut.org. Don't be fooled by those huge media conglomerates that try to undermine the credibility of alternative newsources by claiming alternative news (found on the net) is unreliable and controlled by "crazy extremists" who distort and manipulate the truth to meet their own twisted personal agendas. They're just trying to silence the independent voice of the individuals who AREN'T trying to grab a profit from you. If anything, the people responsible for distorting and manipulating the truth and news to meet their own personal agendas are those media conglomerates themselves. Case and point: It's funny how Time Magazine named the computer "Man of the Year" after Time-Warner closed a deal to merge with AOL...(psst, that's advertising masquerading as news).
And finally, a nice rebuttal from Carleton Professor Blair Nearby, to Steven Pearlstein, a reporter, who proclaimed Canada has nothing noteworthy of history because we were not forged by wars and political upheavals. Basically, he was saying we weren't dramatic enough to be historical...
"Over the years, Canadians might have coalesced around a shared sense of history but for the fact that they have so little of it they consider worth remembering. The country never fought a revolution or a civil war, pioneered no great social or political movement, produced no great world leader and committed no memorable atrocities – as one writer put it, Canada has no Lincolns, no Gettysburgs and no Gettysburg addresses."--Steven Pearlstein
to which Blair Nearby responded with...
"If history is wars and confrontation and winner-take-all decisions, then we don't have very much of that...But if you think that history can be a record of individuals arriving at decisions through consensus, negotiation or through the political system then we have a pretty long and commendable record."--Blair Nearby
Here's an interesting AlterNet.org article discussing the political innovations of the United States vs. Canada. O Canada; Oy Vey United States.
This is a picture of the MD player that my parents got me for my birthday. I haven't been able to use it yet, it's in Toronto and I'm in St.Catharines, but oooooh man, I'm so excited to go back and test it out!
I just found out, and by 'just' I mean roughly a week to a week and half ago, that St.Catharines is spelled with TWO 'a's! I've been spelling it wrong all this time! Two 'a's?! What are they, crazy!?
AND! I just found out the population of St.CathArines is roughly 130 000. All this time I thought it was 626 000! I've overshot the population by 500 000! Man, that's so small, Toronto is 2000% larger! lol
Check it out, it's pictures of yogurt inside my fridge! =)
I own the yogurt AND the banner, I know you're jealous. =)